* A new report is generated daily at 9:30pm Eastern Time.
Security Description | Coupon | Maturity Date | Investor Sold Customer Sold to Dealer (Lowest / Highest) |
Investor Bought Customer Purchase from Dealer (Lowest / Highest) |
Yield Offer Side (Lo Px / Hi Px) |
# of Trades | Dollar Volume | Price Spread |
Ascension Parish La Parishwide Sch Dist 043519C54
5.250% | 2038-Mar | 113.509 - 113.509 | 113.569 - 113.569 | 3.491 - 3.491 | 2 | $20,000 | 0.06 |
Bossier City La Pub Impt Sales & Use Tax Rev Ser St 100210RJ4
5.000% | 2027-Dec | 103.641 - 103.641 | 103.659 - 103.659 | 2.918 - 2.918 | 2 | $350,000 | 0.018 |
Caddo Parish La Parishwide Sch Dist 127269RE0
4.375% | 2044-Mar | 101.758 - 101.758 | 102.833 - 102.833 | 4.030 - 4.030 | 4 | $660,000 | 1.075 |
Calcasieu Parish La Sch Dist No 023 Pub Sch Impt 128492JT3
4.000% | 2032-Sep | 102.770 - 102.770 | 102.830 - 102.830 | 3.327 - 3.327 | 2 | $30,000 | 0.06 |
Calcasieu Parish La Sch Dist No 31 Pub Sch Impt 128510JW5
4.000% | 2030-Mar | 102.678 - 102.678 | 102.743 - 102.743 | 3.274 - 3.274 | 3 | $45,000 | 0.065 |
Central Cmnty Sch Sys Central La 153135EV6
2.000% | 2033-Mar | 86.544 - 86.544 | 87.782 - 87.782 | 3.770 - 3.770 | 3 | $2,100,000 | 1.238 |
East Baton Rouge La Sew Commn Rev Ref-ser A 270618FG1
5.000% | 2033-Feb | 107.106 - 107.106 | 107.306 - 107.306 | 3.040 - 3.040 | 2 | $10,000 | 0.2 |
East Baton Rouge La Sew Commn Rev Ref-ser A 270618FL0
4.000% | 2037-Feb | 100.890 - 101.287 | 101.546 - 101.546 | 3.580 - 3.580 | 4 | $405,000 | 0.656 |
East Baton Rouge Parish La Sales Tax Rev Ref-rd & Str Impt 270764EX7
5.000% | 2028-Aug | 107.660 - 107.660 | 108.060 - 108.060 | 2.568 - 2.568 | 4 | $200,000 | 0.4 |
East Baton Rouge Parish La Cap Impts Dist Movebr Sales Tax Rev 270773AR5
4.000% | 2035-Aug | 102.156 - 102.194 | 102.264 - 102.264 | 3.451 - 3.451 | 5 | $50,000 | 0.108 |
Evangeline Parish La Law Enforcement Dist Sales Tax Rev 299023AF8
5.000% | 2029-Jun | 109.314 - 109.314 | 109.315 - 109.315 | 2.700 - 2.700 | 6 | $360,000 | 0.001 |
Hacienda La Puente Calif Uni Sch Dist Facs Fing Auth Rev Unified Sch Dist G O Bd Prog 40450TAT4
5.000% | 2025-Aug | 101.026 - 101.077 | 101.141 - 101.141 | 2.621 - 2.621 | 8 | $2,420,000 | 0.115 |
Jefferson La Sales Tax Dist Spl Sales Tax Rev Ser B 474176LJ1
4.000% | 2039-Dec | 100.160 - 100.160 | 102.939 - 102.939 | 3.334 - 3.334 | 6 | $200,000 | 2.779 |
Juban Crossing Economic Dev Dist La Rev Ref-rd Projs-ser A 48125RAW9
4.000% | 2037-Sep | 98.295 - 98.295 | 100.391 - 100.391 | 3.950 - 3.950 | 3 | $120,000 | 2.096 |
La Habra Calif Ctfs Partn Ref-park La Habra & Viewpark 503423EZ4
2.375% | 2040-Oct | 73.909 - 73.909 | 74.159 - 74.159 | 4.730 - 4.730 | 8 | $80,000 | 0.25 |
Lafayette La Utils Rev 506498A53
5.000% | 2044-Nov | 103.998 - 103.998 | 105.500 - 105.500 | 3.587 - 3.587 | 4 | $40,000 | 1.502 |
Lafayette La Utils Rev Elec Projs 506498F33
5.000% | 2046-Nov | 107.958 - 107.958 | 108.108 - 108.108 | 3.986 - 3.986 | 3 | $60,000 | 0.15 |
Lafourche Parish La Law Enforcement Dist Rev 50700LAM3
4.000% | 2028-Sep | 101.095 - 101.095 | 101.360 - 101.360 | 3.104 - 3.104 | 4 | $60,000 | 0.265 |
Lafourche Parish La Law Enforcement Dist Rev 50700LAV3
3.125% | 2044-Sep | 82.294 - 82.294 | 84.890 - 84.890 | 4.272 - 4.273 | 4 | $225,000 | 2.596 |
Louisiana Loc Govt Environmental Facs & Cmnty Dev Auth Multifamily Rev Hsg-parc Fontaine Apts-ser A 546276BZ8
4.250% | 2035-Dec | 95.000 - 95.000 | 97.302 - 97.302 | - | 3 | $215,000 | 2.302 |
Louisiana Loc Govt Environmental Facs & Cmnty Dev Auth Rev Ref-jefferson Parish Projs 5462823R3
5.000% | 2029-Apr | 102.102 - 102.102 | 102.138 - 102.138 | 3.094 - 3.094 | 2 | $270,000 | 0.036 |
Louisiana Loc Govt Environmental Facs & Cmnty Dev Auth Rev Ref-calcasieu Parish Sch Proj 54628C2D3
5.000% | 2033-Dec | 112.806 - 112.806 | 113.157 - 113.157 | 3.270 - 3.270 | 3 | $400,000 | 0.351 |
Louisiana Loc Govt Environmental Facs & Cmnty Dev Auth Rev Ref-calcasieu Parish Sch Proj 54628C2H4
4.000% | 2044-Dec | 98.933 - 98.933 | 99.500 - 99.500 | 4.037 - 4.037 | 3 | $600,000 | 0.567 |
Louisiana Loc Govt Environmental Facs & Cmnty Dev Auth Rev Ref-lctcs Act 391 Proj 54628CCP5
5.000% | 2026-Oct | 103.132 - 103.132 | 103.213 - 103.213 | 2.991 - 2.991 | 4 | $60,000 | 0.081 |
Louisiana Loc Govt Environmental Facs & Cmnty Dev Auth Rev Ref-westlake Chem Corp Projs 54628CDX7
3.500% | 2032-Nov | 94.907 - 94.907 | 96.696 - 96.696 | 4.000 - 4.000 | 3 | $135,000 | 1.789 |
Louisiana Loc Govt Environmental Facs & Cmnty Dev Auth Rev La Tech Univ Student Hsg/ 54628CLV2
5.000% | 2028-Oct | 105.802 - 105.802 | 106.320 - 106.320 | 3.153 - 3.153 | 3 | $75,000 | 0.518 |
Louisiana Loc Govt Environmental Facs & Cmnty Dev Auth Rev La Tech Univ Student Hsg/ 54628CLW0
5.000% | 2029-Oct | 109.773 - 109.773 | 109.973 - 109.973 | 2.704 - 2.704 | 6 | $200,000 | 0.2 |
Louisiana Pub Facs Auth Rev Ref-nineteenth Judicial Dist 5463982J6
5.250% | 2051-Jun | 100.640 - 100.640 | 100.702 - 100.702 | 3.003 - 3.003 | 2 | $100,000 | 0.062 |
Louisiana Pub Facs Auth Rev Ref-tulane Univ La Proj-ser A 546399JN7
5.000% | 2035-Apr | 108.340 - 108.340 | 110.092 - 110.092 | 2.878 - 2.878 | 3 | $45,000 | 1.752 |
Louisiana Pub Facs Auth Rev Ochsner Clinic Fdtn Proj-ser A 546399KF2
5.000% | 2028-May | 104.850 - 104.850 | 105.231 - 105.231 | 3.300 - 3.300 | 2 | $370,000 | 0.381 |
Louisiana Pub Facs Auth Rev Ref-loyola Univ Proj 546399LL8
4.000% | 2041-Oct | 94.254 - 94.254 | 94.379 - 94.379 | 4.482 - 4.482 | 3 | $150,000 | 0.125 |
Louisiana Pub Facs Auth Rev Ref-tulane Univ La Proj-ser A 546399QQ2
5.000% | 2052-Oct | 104.728 - 104.728 | 105.737 - 105.737 | 4.121 - 4.121 | 4 | $240,000 | 1.009 |
Louisiana Pub Facs Auth Rev Dept Pub Safety Crime Lab Proj 546399TG1
5.000% | 2030-Aug | 110.455 - 110.455 | 110.580 - 110.580 | 2.900 - 2.900 | 2 | $470,000 | 0.125 |
Louisiana Stad & Exposition Dist Rev Sr-ser A 546410CN9
5.000% | 2035-Jul | 110.956 - 110.956 | 111.016 - 111.016 | 3.476 - 3.476 | 2 | $100,000 | 0.06 |
Louisiana Stad & Exposition Dist Rev Sr-ser A 546410CY5
5.250% | 2053-Jul | 106.862 - 106.862 | 108.844 - 108.844 | 4.000 - 4.000 | 4 | $310,000 | 1.982 |
Louisiana Stad & Exposition Dist Rev Taxable-sr-ser B 546410DE8
5.119% | 2029-Jul | 100.770 - 100.770 | 101.461 - 101.461 | 4.746 - 4.746 | 2 | $60,000 | 0.691 |
Louisiana St Ser A 546417CM6
5.000% | 2039-Mar | 105.507 - 105.507 | 107.837 - 107.837 | 2.942 - 2.942 | 4 | $50,000 | 2.33 |
Louisiana St Ser A 546417ER3
5.000% | 2031-Mar | 111.932 - 111.932 | 112.082 - 112.082 | 2.820 - 2.820 | 2 | $250,000 | 0.15 |
Louisiana St Ser A 546417EV4
5.000% | 2035-Mar | 110.553 - 110.553 | 110.613 - 110.613 | 3.070 - 3.070 | 2 | $60,000 | 0.06 |
Louisiana St Ser A 546417EX0
5.000% | 2037-Mar | 109.960 - 109.960 | 110.025 - 110.025 | 3.171 - 3.171 | 3 | $45,000 | 0.065 |
Louisiana St Ser A 546417FZ4
5.000% | 2035-Apr | 112.661 - 112.661 | 112.736 - 112.736 | 3.007 - 3.007 | 2 | $900,000 | 0.075 |
Louisiana St Ser A 546417HU3
5.000% | 2038-May | 113.243 - 113.243 | 113.523 - 113.861 | 3.250 - 3.290 | 3 | $30,000 | 0.618 |
Louisiana St Grnt Antic Rev Ser A 54641CAL9
5.000% | 2030-Sep | 106.565 - 106.565 | 107.021 - 107.065 | 2.901 - 2.914 | 3 | $70,000 | 0.5 |
Louisiana St Grnt Antic Rev 54641CAU9
5.000% | 2028-Sep | 107.188 - 107.188 | 107.388 - 107.388 | 2.810 - 2.810 | 2 | $20,000 | 0.2 |
Louisiana St Grnt Antic Rev 54641CBG9
5.000% | 2030-Sep | 110.672 - 110.672 | 110.835 - 110.835 | 2.880 - 2.880 | 2 | $40,000 | 0.163 |
Louisiana St Grnt Antic Rev 54641CBJ3
5.000% | 2032-Sep | 113.517 - 113.517 | 114.017 - 114.017 | 2.922 - 2.922 | 2 | $20,000 | 0.5 |
Louisiana St Gas & Fuels Tax Rev Ref-second Lien-ser A 546475WA8
5.000% | 2027-May | 104.932 - 104.932 | 104.998 - 104.998 | 2.680 - 2.680 | 2 | $2,500,000+ | 0.066 |
Louisiana St Gas & Fuels Tax Rev Ref-second Lien-ser A 546475WG5
5.000% | 2033-May | 114.809 - 114.809 | 114.966 - 114.966 | 2.940 - 2.940 | 2 | $2,500,000+ | 0.157 |
Louisiana St Gas & Fuels Tax Rev Ref-second Lien-ser A 546475WH3
5.000% | 2034-May | 114.590 - 114.590 | 115.294 - 115.294 | 3.084 - 3.084 | 3 | $30,000 | 0.704 |
Louisiana St Gas & Fuels Tax Rev Ref-second Lien-ser A 546475WK6
5.000% | 2036-May | 113.102 - 113.728 | 114.228 - 114.228 | 3.207 - 3.207 | 4 | $70,000 | 1.126 |
Louisiana St Gas & Fuels Tax Rev Ref-second Lien-ser A 546475WM2
5.000% | 2038-May | 112.198 - 112.411 | 111.913 - 112.755 | 3.380 - 3.480 | 8 | $275,000 | 0.557 |
Monroe La Wtr Rev 611089AH6
5.000% | 2026-Nov | 103.005 - 103.005 | 103.170 - 103.170 | 3.107 - 3.107 | 3 | $45,000 | 0.165 |
New Orleans La Taxable-pub Impt-ser A 64763FUK3
4.000% | 2034-Dec | 89.520 - 89.520 | 92.160 - 92.160 | 5.020 - 5.020 | 5 | $50,000 | 2.64 |
New Orleans La Aviation Brd Rev Gen Arpt-ser C-1 64763HMT9
5.000% | 2054-Jan | 103.862 - 104.052 | 107.151 - 107.151 | 4.035 - 4.035 | 5 | $230,000 | 3.289 |
New Orleans La Aviation Brd Gulf Opportunity Zone Cfc Rev Ref-cons Rent Car Proj 64763XAP5
5.000% | 2029-Jan | 105.733 - 105.733 | 105.834 - 105.834 | 2.889 - 2.889 | 5 | $320,000 | 0.101 |
New Orleans La Indl Dev Brd Inc Rev Ref-federal Alliance Proj 647646BC1
3.000% | 2026-Aug | 98.604 - 98.604 | 99.396 - 99.396 | 3.409 - 3.409 | 2 | $10,000 | 0.792 |
Philadelphia Pa Auth For Indl Dev Revs La Salle Univ 71781XGY3
6.750% | 2042-May | 97.651 - 97.651 | 97.771 - 97.771 | 6.973 - 6.973 | 4 | $500,000 | 0.12 |
St John Baptist Parish La Rev Ref-marathon Oil Corp Proj 79020FBA3
2.375% | 2037-Jun | 97.000 - 97.140 | 98.250 - 98.250 | - | 3 | $45,000 | 1.25 |
Shreveport La 8254346L2
5.000% | 2044-Mar | 105.669 - 105.669 | 106.089 - 106.089 | 4.250 - 4.250 | 2 | $2,500,000+ | 0.42 |
Shreveport La Wtr & Swr Rev Jr Lien-ser B 825485VX0
5.000% | 2036-Dec | 103.716 - 103.716 | 105.066 - 105.066 | 3.108 - 3.108 | 3 | $90,000 | 1.35 |
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